Wednesday 9 April 2014

Are there positive and negative effects of to much loyalty?

 There are many positive and negative effects of too much loyalty. In the dictionary loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, country, group, or cause, so in that case is being to loyal can be fatal to your feelings or your wellbeing. Is there such thing as too much loyalty well, if you love your brother. Naturally you'd be loyal to him but if you suspected he was doing something very wrong, for instance had killed someone and you had evidence it would be your moral duty to at least stop him, maybe not report it.

  Being loyal can have many positive aspects like very strong friendships. For example if your friend is in a dilemma and asks for your help, and you’re loyal to them, you’ll help them without a second thought. Backing up you friends will increase trust between the two of you. Sadly there downsides to this, if one of your friends is in an argument with another one of your friends being loyal to one can ruin you friendship with the other friend.
 Being too loyal has its downsides, for example if you are loyal to the wrong people it can put you in a bad situation. If your loyal to a friend and he is about to get into a fight and he asks you to back him up, but you’re worried about your safety you hit a moral dilemma. This can happen in many different situations.

 So being too loyal can have downsides and its upsides. So next time you feel the obligation to be loyal think back to this essay and assess the situation you’re in and make the right decision to your situation.   

1 comment:

  1. Jeffrey you did amazingly and brought so many details to your essay, but for next your essay maybe try to put in a personal experience to make your essay for personal. Other than that your essay was very good.

    GOODJOB <3
