Sunday 27 April 2014

Slam Poetry

Zach's performance was really good it surprised me; I wasn't expecting an entertaining performance to be honest. I really like how he connected with the audience and how he was honest with us about his rough past and wasn't afraid to share some of his more gruesome poems. I also like how he involved the audience in some of his talking points. He also showed us that no matter how bad you have it in life there is always time to turn it around and do what you love.
   I think slam poetry is an amazing art form because it really allows the author to connect on a more emotional level with the audience. I also think it’s good because there are no limitations on what he or she can express exactly what they feel without too many rules in how they deliver there poem. I think slam poetry is very important not just to the authors but to mankind because it allows us to share something that gives a look into someone soul, and without that mankind would be in trouble. 

Slam Poetry

Zach; a slam poets performance was very good. He really connected with the audience and made me feel comfortable when i was watching his performance. He wouldn't make you feel bored because he would just keep talking and not let you zone out. It was a great performance overall and very exciting.

He was very clear on what he was saying, and also i think slam poetry is really interesting because it allows the speaker to connect to the audience in an emotional way because we can see, what he or she is feeling.

Poetry is an art form because its a different way to express yourself, they use different tones and tempo to interact with the audience.

I was inspired because although poetry is not my favorite i really enjoyed his passion for it, and i hope he inspired other people.

Power Always Corrupts The One Who Has it

 Power can be dangerous you can do whatever you want, but there are upsides when someone has power, they could use it for good or they can use it for bad. People need to ask themselves does power corrupt the one who holds it? Well there are 2 kinds of power personalized and socialized. 1 is for good and one is for bad. I will explain how both of these work and what kind of effects they could have.

The first kind of power is personalized, personalized power is usually considered the negative/bad kind of power because you use it for personal gain and people with personalized power use it to help themselves not others, and they can do whatever they want because their followers think that the person with the power is doing the right thing. When someone is using power just for themselves, some people get mad and they want to get some of that persons power. Some examples of people with personalized power are some famous people because they are not giving back they are just buying stuff and doing stuff that will make them cooler or better than everyone, for example Justin Bieber he just wants to buy new cars and do bad things because he thinks he can do whatever he wants because his fans think that he is doing it for good.

Most people just want power to be popular and to do whatever they want, and get away with it. They just want power to have it, without having any ideas on what to do with it. People love power they want to keep getting more and more so they can be the best. If someone has power i think they should not be aloud to use it just for themselves they should have to use it to help other people too. Most people with power get used by other people just to get to them and or something valuable that they have, or simply just to get power for themselves.

The other kind of power is socialized power. Socialized power is when someone wants to use their powers to help others. These people have to be smart so they don't get corrupted. These people want to help others and they're not just thinking about themselves all the time. Some examples of people like this are a school principal because he/she wants the best for his/her students, another example of a person with socialized power is a prime minister or president because he wants the best for his country and wants to make things better and help other people. 

I think that power doesn't always corrupt the one who holds it because as i said above people who have socialized power use it for good and want to help people, but on the other hand I used some points that show how power can corrupt someone, but if our world didn't have power our world would be crazy and out of control. Power is a huge thing to have and people have to learn how to use it. Power can be a great thing but if it goes into the wrong hands, there would be some negative effects, so when someone has power they have to be very careful and think before they do something.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

                                                                 Slam Poetry

What I thought about Zack's performance was very good, I felt he connected with the audience very well, especially with our age group. Usually at these presentations we would tend to zone out or lose interest but because he was so loud and exited and connected with us well I felt like he did a excellent job with his performance.

I felt the Genre and movement was very vibrant and well fitted to everyone. Zack opened a lot of creative windows for the slam poetry. I found he made it really clear that we could write about what ever we felt and express it in a way that characterized us, for example I found Zack made his poems somewhat into a rap feel.

Poetry can be in many forms for example songs, books, quotes, but I find it mostly as an art form, a form of self expression. The great poets of the times made poetry a pure skill.

Me personally I was not that much inspired to do my own writing, but Zack's visit overall was a great experience to see and I hope he did inspire some other people in the audience!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Are there positive and negative effects of to much loyalty?

 There are many positive and negative effects of too much loyalty. In the dictionary loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, country, group, or cause, so in that case is being to loyal can be fatal to your feelings or your wellbeing. Is there such thing as too much loyalty well, if you love your brother. Naturally you'd be loyal to him but if you suspected he was doing something very wrong, for instance had killed someone and you had evidence it would be your moral duty to at least stop him, maybe not report it.

  Being loyal can have many positive aspects like very strong friendships. For example if your friend is in a dilemma and asks for your help, and you’re loyal to them, you’ll help them without a second thought. Backing up you friends will increase trust between the two of you. Sadly there downsides to this, if one of your friends is in an argument with another one of your friends being loyal to one can ruin you friendship with the other friend.
 Being too loyal has its downsides, for example if you are loyal to the wrong people it can put you in a bad situation. If your loyal to a friend and he is about to get into a fight and he asks you to back him up, but you’re worried about your safety you hit a moral dilemma. This can happen in many different situations.

 So being too loyal can have downsides and its upsides. So next time you feel the obligation to be loyal think back to this essay and assess the situation you’re in and make the right decision to your situation.   

Are there positive and negative consequences for being too loyal?

Are there positive and negative consequences for being too loyal?

Loyalty and being loyal seem like good things. Being a loyal person can have the ability to make people happy, but people need to ask themselves will loyalty always bring a positive sequence? Most people think that being loyal is a good thing, not many people think about the negative consequences that come with being too loyal.

When you are loyal to someone it means you are going to make them happy, by  being honest, loving and respecting them. When you respect someone they will respect you. When being honest to a person it means that you can trust them and that they respect you.  When you love someone and you are loyal to them it makes life easier because you don't have to worry. When being loyal there are a ton of benefits. The feeling is mutual in mostly every situation when you are loyal. That is the positive consequence when you are too loyal.

If you are really loyal and someone does something that's not right, you wouldn't do anything about it because you are to loyal. Why wouldn't you do anything about it? You wouldn't do anything about it because you trust that the other person is doing it for a good cause, but really the person is probably hurting someone or doing something bad. That's why being to loyal can have a negative consequence.

If you said something to someone and you hurt them you would feel like your disloyal, but when really your just being loyal, because when being loyal it means you are just being honest.  Being loyal has so many different views. There is a lot of different meanings behind the word loyal. So when saying something to hurt someone you are just being loyal because you are being honest. Not many people think of it that way, that's why people say a lot of bad things before they think about it. For the meaning of  loyalty you really have to think before doing something because it could come back to haunt you, so that is another negative consequence for being too loyal.

While loyalty is good it has a bad side. However its not what loyalty is but what you make of it, so you can choose how you want it to effect you. Whether it is positive or negative.

Monday 7 April 2014

Are there positive and negative consequences for being too loyal?

Daniella Rogic

Are there Positive and Negative consequences for being too Loyal?

Are there positive and negative consequences for being too loyal? There are many bittersweet parts about being too loyal, just like life it has its ups and downs.

Loyalty can mean so many different things to so many different people. To some it can mean trust and respect, and to others it could be about always being there for someone even if it goes against what you believe. I know for me loyalty means not betraying someone. Betrayal would be the worst thing a person can do to me.

Being 16 and a girl in high school your loyalty gets played with a lot by friends real or fake ones, your parents , relationships because were still developing into our true selves so its hard to see where our loyalties lie.  Loyalty is a very risky thing now, especially our generation with social media at our grasps we could ruin someone or yourself with just the click of a button. For the few shorts year I have been in high school my loyalty, trust, and respect have been tested so much, from having real and fake friends and all the drama, and fights with my parents. Then from all these tests you see and find these great people who make you want to be loyal and trust them completely, they have trust and loyalty for you as you do for them and their there for you at your worst and with you through your best.

Your loyalty can only go so far same for your trust; you can only open them to and extent. You could be so loyal to the point where your feeling taken advantage of or being used and walked over, or could go to the point where you don’t feel comfortable doing something for them, it goes against your beliefs. Then there are those moments when you are there for your friend and they need you, and that is one of the best feelings in the world. The feeling of someone needing or wanting you there and the feeling of helping your friend and then relying on you. It is one of the best feelings you could feel. I remember when my friend was going through a very tough time and even though I had plans I dropped them too see her because she needed me, and that is what loyalty and friendship. I really cherish moments like that because it makes me see that there can be loyalty.

By the time you reach the age of 26 you should have felt so much betrayal and heartbreak and hate ship but so much love and respect so much trust and loyalty in your life. There are so many good and bad things about loyalty, yes you can get hurt and let down a lot but to get to feel the closeness with certain people is just amazing.

Really if we did not have loyalty in our lives we would be missing a huge part of life. Life is just a huge mess that we try to figure out and clean up. Loyalty is such an important aspect of life and all the ups and downs that come with it. You have to face the good and the bad parts of loyalty throughout your life and it’s just something you have to learn to deal with, even if you have gone through a lot of the bad parts.